Montag, 20. Juli 2009

Painting for drawing class

Doing a series of portraits of German managers for drawing class, the subject is: loss of measure (Verlust von Maßstab). This one is the former German Post manager.

Sonntag, 19. Juli 2009


We had to do a portraiture of our hometown for Photo-class. We had to think of adjectives that would fit our town in our opinion. One of them was "multicultural". I didn't want to shoot an obvious pic so I shot the shelves of different shops (Asian, Arabian, Turkish) and merged the pics into one. I'm quite happy with the result.

Montag, 6. Juli 2009

Bayern Kini

Happy Accidents happen, was shooting out at night and noticed the sign of this bar. The owner was just coming out as I was preparing to shoot, so she invited me to also have a look at the inside. Amazing, Kini everywhere and then some... A great "Boiz" as we say in Augsburg.
Here's where to go